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Site Of the Moment:

Alcoholism, addiction, and recovery support links, quips, and quotes. Website and blog link exchange, and a daily web diversion updated one day at a time!

Rank Site In Out
You're Worth the Fight- Recovery is Beautiful!
0 24

I am a woman of integrity. I am loving & I am strong. My experiences have shaped who I've become. I have learned so much along the way that I hope can help others! My blog is a story of hope, support
Free From Secrets
0 7
Hi, I am Ronnie! I am a tatted gay bi-polar Christian living in recovery and telling my story along the way!
God Walked Into This Bar
0 36
This is my story of my voyage with my Co-Writer, My Higher Power to sobriety via the internet. It was here that I reclaimed my life. You have your own voyage to plot, your own stars to follow whether you choose my path or choose another with AA, or with o
0 30

Seven data-centres. High earning power.
Return on investment within 5 months.
15 KH/s to every new user for free and forever.
NewBridge Recovery Blog
0 58

This blog is dedicated to providing information and resources about addiction and recovery. New articles are posted almost daily and can be helpful to the struggling addict or even professional health
Rand Harper, MA
0 86
Rand Harper, MA is an Integrative Life Coach who specializes in working with individuals who are ready to end a destructive relationship with alcohol.
0 284
Recovery from eating disorders, body image distress, postpartum depression, sometimes cross addiction, and the journey of mother hood.
Suburban Betty- Clean and Serene
0 104
Trying some clean livin' after years in a wine bottle.
My Life in Tampa
0 118
I've been sober for nine years tomorrow, just restarting my blog today. Will be talking about being sober and continuing living sober after many years of sobriety.
The Second Coming of Bacchus
0 192

A gay Pagan dude in recovery who works in property management and says inappropriate things. All prayers welcome.
Recovery Pilot
0 201

This is my story of where I was, my personal rock bottom and how I came into the rooms of AA and learned how to work the steps, do the work I needed to do and helping to carry the message to other alc
Susanne Blumer
0 56

I'm a best-selling children's author who has gotten sober. I'm talking about addiction, recovery and writing. I also introduce you to some of your favorite recovery bloggers.
SobrieTea Party
0 64
Swapping out booze for tea in NYC
Journey to Courage
0 36
A very personal journal of one women's solo journey cross country to face her fears and grow stronger in recovery.
Spilled Wine
0 197
I am quitting drinking in 2016. In Spilled Wine, I will record that journey and my discoveries, especially about alcohol and women.
0 175
At ViralRecovery, our mission is simple: to celebrate recovery and help remove the stigma often associated with addiction.

* In our humble opinion, stories of recovery should spread faster than those of addiction. That’s what we intend to do, and we ne
0 171
Newly sober single mom - successful, sarcastic, sober
Bridging the Gap
0 174

Bridging the Gap between a life in active alcoholism to the experiences of sobriety.
Drying Out
0 51

I have recently made what I hope will be a massive life changing decision. After long discussions with loved ones, friends and professionals I have decided to say farewell to something that has been a
Sober Mom Of 2
0 36

Recovery, sobriety, motherhood and my daily struggles staying sober...One Blog At A Time...

I am a Sober Mom Of 2 wonderful boys. This is my account of how to stay sober and live happy, joyous and f
0 12
Largest platform for user generated content on addiction and recovery.
Pickled Pinks
0 3

Welcome to the hectic world of a working woman, wife, mom and part-time perfectionist.
Maintaining Miracles
0 24
An addiction recovery site focused on empowering women in recovery. We don't glorify war stories. We help to create a new life in recovery and grow to be a kick ass sober woman.
women lawyers inrecovery
0 5

A community of women lawyers in recovery.
Synergy of Addiction Science and Scripture
0 2
How to find inner peace, regain control, with Christ Driven Behavior (CDB). The synergy of science and scripture. Christian Behavior Therapy, cognitive behavior therapy.
Peace Love & Shari
0 125
Shari is a certified nurse-midwife and certified recovery and life coach committed to empowering women through pregnancy and the transition to motherhood who have been affected by addiction, trauma, a
Balanta de Cantarit
0 2
Comsales Grup fiind producator si distribuitor de cantare prezinta un spectru larg de produse: cintare pentru automobile si cintare indutriale electronice pentru afacerea Dvs.
The Addiction Show
0 3
It is a YouTube show about addiction, Recovery and everything in Between. Experts & Advocacy Goals; Inclusion, Proaction, & Revolution.
Sober Alley Blog
0 0
I’m Allie, a sober wife and mother from Los Angeles. I share my sobriety journey and help others improve their relationships with alcohol.
OWN Sobriety
0 1

OWN Sobriety is a brand new blog and resource site dedicated to a modern and holistic approach of recovering from addiction.
Daily Sober
0 11
Daily Sober is an online resource created from experience, strength, and hope and was founded by an alcoholic named Jason. Michelle & Chris. Alcoholic, Adderall Abuser, Compulsive Gambler, Heroin & C
0 8
My day to day recovery from alcohol.
AA Not the Only Way
0 3
"AA-Not the Only Way" responds to the growing demand from recovery experts, U.S. court rulings, problem drinkers and drug addicts for a global resource directory of alternative treatments. The 2nd Edition is now available, where you can find a multitude
Kimberly Poer
0 0

Grateful addicts started on facebook. I made a page that has really grown over the years, and then I made a group as well. My boyfriend is a web designer and he seen how passionate I am about addict
Clear-Eyed Life
0 22
After 20 long years in the trenches of addiction, I'm newly sober and discovering all the blessings I've been missing. Published author, mama, wife, and child of Christ.
Sober Foundations
0 19
A sober lifestyle blog
Sober Command
0 18
The Sober Command is a collection and association of recovery based sites from a variety of sources located around our planet.
0 6
A blog about my journey from addict to recovery. I talk about what I have gone through, and where I am at now. I discuss what has worked for me and how to get others involved about what has helped them. I want the site to be a place where people can re
Daily Recovery Club
0 165

We're fighting addiction together. Join our honest community of recovery warriors.
0 5
Canada's #1 Self-Help/Recovery website.
Cerebral Sobriety
0 26
A site dedicated to mindfulness and philosophical approaches to sobriety.
Catlin Wellness And Nutrition
0 29
This blog is about sharing health and wellness information for women in recovery.
Sober Waitress
0 14
I started this blog on day 6 of my sobriety- I'm attempting to quit drinking while working in the restaurant business in hopes of a happier and healthier life.
0 74
It's a blog about the 5 steps I took to give up binge drinking, and many posts about what I've discovered now I lead a sober life. It's a well visited blog with over 1,300 comments to date.
Sober or Bust
0 16
One millennial's journey from alcohol abuse and addiction to sobriety.
Alcohol Drug Rehad
0 14
How to Choose a Drug or Alcohol Rehab
Learn how to find the alcohol drug rehab rehabilitation center that best suits your needs and find out more about what rehab is really like.
Bloomin' Ash
0 4

All about rising from the ashes of addiction into a new life. I write and share about sober living, motherhood, divorce, anxiety/mental health, and changing my life one decision at a time.
Sober Sassy Life
0 124
Resources and community to support an awesome Sober Sassy Life
Sober Mom
0 17
Sober Women and Mom Blogs
0 176
When drink takes over, waking up and stopping.
A Spiritual Evolution
0 119

Reflections on recovery from alcoholism and codependency via the 12 steps, with added insights from the author's Near Death Experience
And My Name Is John
0 246

I am passionate about my sobriety, and I am passionate about writing, and this is my experience, strength and hope on a number of sobriety-related topics.
My Life Sober
0 141
Personal alcoholic & recovery blog. The authors personal experience being a mom, wife & daughter through alcoholism & sobriety. Life stories & advice from someone who has been through it all.
High Wire Girl
0 614
I've always had this brain and heart.
Now, they work properly.
0 364
I am a lady angler, mom, wife and sober living enthusiast.
0 2475
The adventures of newly sober guy, DrinkyMcDrinksTooMuch
Carrying the Kingdom
0 85
Honest sharing from my own 12 years in recovery and the ongoing journey to turn myself over to the God who saved me and reveals me.
0 207
women in recovery from the disease of alcoholism
innerwoven: life from the inside out
0 350

Dedicated to those places where life, liturgy, theology and the arts intersect with and promote spiritual formation (of which my ongoing sobriety is key!) – who we are becoming.
0 261
I am a 40-something mother, wife and professional learning to live joyfully without alcohol. I started this blog to help me process and document my recovery journey, and hopefully help others along t
Spaces Home & Beyond
0 293

Spaces, Home and Beyond defines ’The Spirit of India for pretty bed and bath linen’. Our ideas for your home furnishing express a unique sentiment, where decoration can be simple, elaborate, beautiful
Granny Gets Sober
0 389
Typical blog about me on my sober journey. The only difference might be the fact that I'm a Granny, not a young mother. Conscious living, meditation,quotes, etc.
Sober Bastard
0 282
Tips, tricks & anecdotes about getting sober- this ain't your kumbaya sobriety blog.
Journey To Sober Living
0 471
Just an alcoholic 30 something gal sharing her journey to sober living.
Essentials Of Recovery
0 611

This site contains loads of recovery stuff. Daily Reflections, Meditations, Quotes, Speakers, NA Stuff, 12 step stuff, native American,, Zen and loads more to help anyone recovering from addiction.
0 5125
Waking up to the sobering reality that booze is the problem not the solution.
0 264
Shatterproof is a bold, new national organization committed to protecting our children from addiction to alcohol or other drugs and ending the stigma and suffering of those affected by this disease.
Mummy's Journey 2
0 161
Just a simple woman, trying to get sober....
Grateful For Recovery
0 320
I am an alcoholic in recovery. I blogged under the former site I just got my own personal website to share my story of recovery and education about addiction.
Let Go Absolutely
0 145

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Last Update: Mon, 02.17.25 14:25
Next Update: Mon, 02.17.25 14:55
Next Reset: Tue, 02.03.26 20:29
Sites: 506

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